Add Venue Membership Information to a Customer

How to add a membership status to a customer


Please Note: This is only relevant if you charge a Venue Non-Member Fee to Customers


  • Navigate to the Customer
  • Select the Memberships tab

Click New Membership

  • Select a Venue from the drop-down list
    • Only Venues in your Territory will appear in the list
  • Enter the Membership Number
  • Select the Membership Status
    • Unchecked: Details supplied have not been confirmed with the venue
    • Confirmed: Details supplied have been confirmed with the venue
    • Non-Member: Just confirms that the Customer is not a member of the Venue
      • Change it to this if their membership ends

PLEASE NOTE: To encourage action in checking membership details, if a membership status is left as "Unchecked", the customer will be charged the non-member surcharge on Course rollover.