Add basic descriptions and a URL to be displayed on the Class Finder
PLEASE NOTE: Both the Description and URL are optional fields.
- Navigate to the relevant Venue, Course or Class
- Under Basic Information, click Edit
- Scroll down to the bottom of the window
- Add a URL
- For a Venue, this could be a link to their website
- For a Course, this could be a link to a page on your website detailing the specific course type
- For a Class, this could be a link to a page on your website detailing what happens in these classes
PLEASE NOTE: URL's must be full URL's, including 'https://'
Correct URL:
Incorrect URL:
- Add a Description
PLEASE NOTE: This is a basic text input. We don't recommend you put pages worth of text in here, but instead, add some basic info and prompt them to click on the URL for more detailed information.
You must only use plain text - no emojis or images. It will appear in single paragraph format in the Class Preview page.
How does it look to the Customer?