Creating a Customer

Most Customers create/add themselves during a booking, but you may occasionally need to manually add one yourself.

If you want to know how customers are assigned to franchise areas, see

How Customers are Assigned to Franchisees

  • Click Customers in the left-hand pane
  • Click New Customer
  • Fill in the details
    • At least First Name, Last Name, Email and Postcode are required for FranScape to do it's job
  • Leave Send Email ticked
    • This sends the Customer their login details for the Customer Portal
  • Select Enabled
  • Click Save

Please Note: Adding a Customer this way assigns them to the Franchisee that owns their postcode. If their postcode belongs to another Franchisee you will not be able to see them. In this case you will need to ask your FranScape Administrator to reassign the Customer to your Franchise.