Creating a Venue

Venues can be created by any user. When creating a new venue, we recommend you check that it doesn't already exist in Franscape.


  • To create a new venue, go to Venues and select "New Venue"


  • Name it (see above)
    • This is the name that will appear in the lesson finder, so make sure it is clear.
  • Assign it to a Group
    • Leave blank if it’s an independent venue
  • Add the Address
    • You MUST add the correct postcode – it’s integral to how Franscape works
  • Mark whether the Health & Safety Policy for this venue is currently in place (optional)
  • Set Courses Per Year

This is the number of Courses/Terms you run per year. This is Very Important if the classes at this Venue include a Non-Member Fee. 

This is a crucial setting if you are planning on using the Monthly Plan and setting your Non-Member Surcharge to "Per Course"

PLEASE NOTE: If you are using the Monthly Plan, setting the Non-Member Surcharge to % Per Course, £ Per Lesson or % Per Lesson will cause the monthly payment for classes at the venue to fluctuate slightly depending on the number of lessons in the current course.

We recommend you use £ Per Course if you are running the Monthly Plan

  • Set the Venue Status:
    • Enabled – Classes can be added to this venue
    • Disabled – This will remove the venue from the lesson finder
    • Prospect – Store all of the details of a prospective venue

For more information on how to make a Private Venue

Once the basic details have been saved, you can head into the venue record to add the finer details: