Creating Courses

How to create a Course

  • Select Courses from the left-hand pane
  • Click on “New Course

  • Select the Incentive Scheme for this Course
  • Set the Start Date
  • Set the End Date
  • Is this a Badge Course? (a"Badge"or"Award"course is a course)
    • Select Yes 
    • Enter the Badge Cost
      • This cost will be charged to the Customer for each Consumer they have in a Class
  • Set the Show Online Date
    • The date you wish the Classes in this Course to show on the website
  • Set the Last Registration/Take Offline Date
    • The date you wish the Classes in this Course to stop showing on the website
  • Select the Course Types that you want to create Classes for
    • This list is curated by Central Office
Clicking SAVE creates a Course between the Start and End dates for each course type.