How do I follow up a trial booking?

After the Consumer has attended their trial lesson/s, how do I follow up?

Automatic Trial Follow-Up Email

2-hours after the Consumer's last Trial Lesson has finished, a follow-up email is automatically sent out to encourage them to make a standard booking, including:

  • A link to the Class Preview page for the class they attended will be included if they want to re-book a standard place
  • A link to the Finder is also included in case they want to/need to find a different class

Alternatively, as Franchisees are CC'd into the booking emails for trials, you can use the information there to follow up on bookings.

NOTE: A trial consumer being marked as absent will not stop the trial follow up from being sent. As this email can still be used to encourage this consumer to rebook or get in touch regarding their missed trial.

WARNING: If you disable 'Allow trials' on the class, this will stop any trial follow-up emails being sent.

How does the customer re-book?

The Customer can simply go online and book again, either by visiting the Finder again or following the links in the Trial Follow-Up Email.

How do I re-book the consumer via Franscape?

 See Re-Booking a Trial Consumer Via Franscape