- FranScape Knowledge Base
- Monthly Plans
Monthly Price Calculator
What will my Monthly Price be?
Caution: Before trying to calculate your Monthly Payment amount, please ensure you have read: How does the Monthly Plan work?
This article is designed to help you calculate the Monthly Payment amount for your classes, depending on your:
- Active Weeks
- Per Lesson Price
- Monthly Reduction Rate
Please use this link to access the Monthly Payments Formula
How to use this Formula
Edit these rows:
- Row 3 - Active Weeks
- Your Active Weeks are set by your Franscape Administrator
- Row 6 - Your current Per Lesson Price
- Row 7 - If you wish to increase your current Per Lesson Price
- If not, set to £0.00
- Row 17 - Enter Monthly Price Reduction in %
- 100% = No reducation from PIA Per Lesson Price
- 90% = 10% reduction from PIA Per Lesson Price
- This is a global feature set by your Franscape Administrator. Contact them for more information.
The Monthly Payment figure will update depending on your edits above.