You may need to hard refresh your browser to pull in some of these updates.
- NEW Global Feature: Apple Pay & Google Pay have been added as payment methods when booking.

Google Pay will only show on an Android phone
Apple Pay will only show on an Apple devices
Booking Journey
- Improvement: Monthly plan encouragement wording changed from 'Save money on our Monthly Plan' to 'Spread payments with the Monthly Plan'
Medical Form
We've made some improvements to the Consumer Medical Form to reduce friction at this stage of the booking process:
- Single option added to mark all as "No/None"
- Removed the "Review" section at the end of each input
- Streamlined the layout
- Improved input error flagging
- Improvements: Added Discount Code information to the Waiting List confirmation emails when a Discount Code is used during booking.
- Fixed: Issue where, if a single Consumer has multiple active Monthly Plans, some lessons were attached to the wrong plan.
- Fixed: Issue where the Monthly Payments Report was showing data for inactive plans where the Consumer has another active plan.