System Update 15/09/2021

Remember – you may need to perform a hard refresh to pull in these updates.

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Mac: Cmd+Shift+R

Waiting List

  • FIXED: Can't filter the table by "Sunday"
  • FIXED: Franchisee Portal > Accept a Booking from the Waiting List - Monthly payment scripts not showing


  • FIXED: Add New Course > Select Incentive Scheme - Showing all Incentive Schemes rather than just those assigned to the Franchisee
  • FIXED: Franchisee Portal > Customer > Transactions - Transactions showing an hour behind

Classes & Lessons

    • Register PDFs - added a "Media Permissions" column reflecting the choice made for "Media Usage" when adding the Consumer


  • The Contact Customers function has been added to individual Customer Records
    • On the main Customers table, there is a new Contact button on the right of each Customer row
    • Within a Customer Record, the Contact button is on the top right of the screen
  • The Contact Customers function now has an extra "Are You Sure?" review step

Monthly Plan

  • FIXED: Cancelling a plan with a future start date is not canceling its current parent plan
  • FIXED: Cancellation > Leave Immediately - Email confirmation showing today's date instead of the date of the last lesson attended


  • Finder - The preference headers "Course Type" and "Level" are now customisable*
  • Finder > Book Now > offer-and-payment > Monthly - Change wording of "Deposit" section to make it clearer. It now says:

"A deposit equal to 1 month's fees is taken in advance. This will be credited back to your (brand_name) account when you cancel your Monthly Plan. It will then be refunded minus any amounts due upon cancellation."


  • FIXED: Book Now > Monthly Plan > Confirmation Screen - Sometimes shows the "Waiting List" message incorrectly
  • FIXED: Finder > Bookings - Payments not taking the Customer's current balance into account
    • If a Customer has a Credit balance (with the franchisee they are booking with), their payment due will be reduced by that amount
      • If Credit covers the whole booking charge, no payment will be required*
        • *if the customer has chosen Monthly Plan, they will still have to add a card
    • If a Customer has a Debit ("Owed") balance (with the franchisee they are booking with), their payment due will be increased by that amount
  • Finder > Book Now > offer-and-payment > Monthly - Change wording of "Deposit" section to make it clearer. It now says:
    • "A deposit equal to 1 month's fees is taken in advance. This will be credited back to your (brand_name) account when you cancel your Monthly Plan. It will then be refunded minus any amounts due upon cancellation."

Improved Feature

Based on client feedback we have reviewed and re-structured the "Payment Due" section of the customer booking Journey. It now looks like this:


Pay in Advance - Class Has Space Available ("Book Now")


Pay in Advance - Class is Full ("Book to Waiting List")


Monthly Plan - Class Has Space Available ("Book Now")


Monthly Plan - Class is Full ("Book to Waiting List")