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New Feature - Payment & Refund Report
You can now see your Payments and Refunds in more granular detail with this report.
See article Payment & Refund Report
- Fixed: Monthly Payment Report export failing if run for a full month or more
- Fixed: Plans Table > Download - Export to CSV Fails
- Fixed: Monthly Payment Report - Not showing any results for inactive plans
- Fixed: Customer Credits Report> Download - Export to CSV Fails if date range is too big
- FIxed: Franchisee access to email logs is slow
- Fixed: Rollover email not showing price rise
- Fixed: Register Emails still going to disabled Instructors if they are still assigned to lessons
- Fixed: Rollover Email - link to switch to monthly not working if the class "Show Online" date is set in the future
- Fixed: Monthly Card Expiry Email sending to Customers with inactive Plans
- Fixed: If a Customer cancels their plan and continues in the same class as PIA, the rollover email still thinks they are on a Monthly Plan
- Fixed: Booking Confirmation Email - Lessons showing in wrong order where extra lessons have been added to the Class
- Fixed: Contracts Expiry email showing wrong dates
Customer Experience
Customer Portal > My Payments > Make Payment > Choose Payment Card - Added Expiry Date
- Fixed: Finder cards showing different availability to booking page
- Fixed: Bookings to full classes (Waiting List) showing failed error despite being successful
- Fixed: On-screen error where Customer has entered Venue membership details
- Fixed: FInder - If last lesson is cancelled, Finder wrongly shows "Book to Waiting List"
- Fixed: Medical Details section refactored to stop the page moving around
- Fixed: Customer Portal > 3D Secure Payment requiring Authorisation - Customer can still navigate to the "My Payments" page
Customer Record
- Fixed: Plans with no class attached not showing on Franchisee view
- Fixed: Customer has 2 Plans, 1 of which is inactive - Cancelled plan is still showing on the customer portal
- Fixed: Monthly payments that are rejected first time are not accounting for Customer credit balance when finally taking the payment successfully