System Update 22/03/2023

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New Feature - User Guides (Beta)

We're trialing a new feature that helps our users navigate Franscape and learn how features and functions work:

Some will be informational guides, others will take you through functions, such as Course Rollovers, step-by-step.

How do I find these guides?

For now, keep an eye out for this Hotspot:

Click on the hotspot to open the guide related to that function. 

As we add more guides they will trigger in different ways - some automatically. We'll update you as we add more. 

Consumers Table

  • New style filters have been added to the Consumers table

Please Note: The default filters and sorting have changed:

  • Only Active Consumers will show by default
  • Consumers will be sorted by Added On date by default
  • The Booked filter has been added to the Consumers table
  • Quick Filters have been added to the Consumers table

Transactions Table

  • New style filters have been added to the Transactions table

Please Note: The default filters and sorting have changed:

  • Only Payments (all types) made in the Month to Date will show by default