Venue Rates

An article to help you add and modify Venue Rates

Adding Venue Rates

Adding and updating the Revenue share rates to a Venue allows for accurate reporting of revenue share amounts:
  • Navigate to the Venue
  • Select the Rates tab 


Revenue Rates are set per Course Type so that you can have different rates for different types where required: 
For Example - Group Class Revenue Share may be 50%, but One-to-One's may be 25%.

PLEASE NOTE: If a new Course Type is added to Franscape rates will need to be created for it per Venue.

You can set the Revenue Rates as:
  • Fixed
    • Set a cash figure per hour (including VAT). Franscape will then work out the total share pro-rata based on the class length.
  • Share
    • Set a % figure. Franscape will then work out the share based on classes arranged at the venue

Changes to Venue Rates

PLEASE NOTE: If your Venue Rates change you must add a new rate per Course Type, providing an end date for the previous rate. 

  • Navigate to the Venue
  • Select the Rates tab
  • On the rates that need changing, click the '+' symbol 
    • This will add a new line 


  • On the old rate, set an end date
  • On the new line: 
    • Set the new rate
    • Set a start date
    • Leave the end date blank
Do this for ALL Course Types that need changing and then SAVE CHANGES

PLEASE NOTE: Do not delete the old rate