How to edit the details of a class:
- Navigate to the relevant Class
- In the Information tab, select Edit
Tour Guide!
A step-by-step Guided tour is available for this function. Simply click on the hotspot in the Edit Class window to get started:
Editing the price of a class:
- Will take immediate effect for all new bookings
- Will not affect existing PIA bookings
- Will only affect newly scheduled monthly payments
- Will not affect any payments that have already been scheduled
You can't edit the following settings:
- Venue
- Facility
- Day of the Week*
*You can change the day of the week, but the change won't apply until the class is rolled over
Here's what you can edit:
If you need to change the Instructor and/or Class Start & End times, you must tick the box at the bottom of the modal window (below), otherwise the changes will not be reflected in the lesson information.

- Trials
If you enable Trials, you will be presented with 3 further settings:
- Minimum no. of trials per consumer
- Consumer cannot book less than this number of lessons
- Maximum no. of trials per consumer
- Consumer cannot book more than this number of lessons
- Maximum Number of Trial Consumers Per Lesson
- Price Override Per Lesson
- The default setting is the Pay in Advance lesson price
- You can set it as £0.00 to offer free trials
- Lessons Tab
- See Viewing & Managing Lessons article
- Consumers Tab
The Consumers tab contains all of the Consumers booked into this Class. Here you can:

- Change a Consumer's Rollover Status
- Upgrade a Consumer to the Monthly Plan
- If Monthly Payments are enabled and the Consumer is currently Pay in Advance (PIA)
- View the Consumer Profile
- Move a Consumer to Another Class
- Remove the Consumer from the Class
- PIA Consumers only
- Waiting List Tab
The Waiting List tab contains all of the Consumers on the Waiting List for this Class. Here you can:
- Accept a Booking
- Force accept the Consumer into the Class
- Admin Only
- No charges are applied or payments taken
- The Consumer is just added to all future lessons
- View the Consumer
- Move the Consumer to the Wating List for a different Class
- Remove the Consumer from the Waiting List